Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Games In My Life Part One

First I Had Gotten a Atari, 7800. I thought it was pretty tight, because I had alot a games, Big Lots sold em for about 5 dollars each. My grandma would take me over thier every once in awhile. I also had gotten a nintendo, not some generic crap they have now, it wasent top loader, it was a front loader. I would always play video games, my favorites were Maniac Mansion, Super Mario Brothers 2, I always thought Mario Brothers 2 was the shit, they remade it so many times since than its crazy, I mean Emulation on the computer allows you to play all those games, dont ask me for any of em. it tight that they have so many. I was never fond of the final fantasy series, I dont even know if I played it for nintendos, I was busy trying to figure out dragons quest, I think thats the name, its a bitch walking around getting enemys out of no where, the only Final Fantasy game I liked was the one with Squall. Its on PSNetwork now. now on the Atari The Only game I like is food fight. Taking on A chef and throwing certain kinds of food at him. donkey kong kicked ass, I had a cheap game like on those lil portable lcd screens you know similar to vmus on dreamcast but less advanced. than came super nintendo, I had played out of this world which was a fun game, but the graphics and sounds are so much better on sega-cd, I had bought a cdx. than for super nintendo was zelda, I had a decision to whether get zelda: link to the past, or ninja turtles 3 for nes, I decided to get zelda, I really didnt play it much, but it was fun, espicially during 4th grade, I just happened to play it again a whole lot. never completed it. than came earthbound, it was fun because every time I rented it I would be farther through RPG, those are addicative RPGS, Fallout 3 and Elder Scrolls 3 and 4 Surpassed the world of rpgs. but ill talk about that later. the picture below is one of the aliens, i think this one though is part 2, the graphics are amazing. In out of the world (another world 2) you get to play the alien. when Mejiers opened up around here, I bought super punch out, I had some record times on there, should still be on it since I put it inside a case. I once remembered going to a mini golf place here thier was this fighting games where you could dismember everything. and still fight, real gory if you ask me, I really dont have a good memory of it. mortal kombat, was a good game or was. but now its all 3d not 2d, street fighter also when 2d to 3d. the best fighting game I love is because its smoother and not sticky, tekken series, right now they have tekken 6.... you may have seen tekken 6 on my other posts, I dont play it to much, even though I should, but I have way to many other games to keep me busy.

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