Friday, July 30, 2010

How Am I Doing For Today

not been up to much, just got god of war #3 comic books and some call of duty modern warfare books, and some magizine bags

Monday, July 12, 2010

Dodgeball Source Alpha 7

ive been wanting to play dodgeball source forever and no one else plays it, its been dead for along time, if anyone wants to join me just leave a comment.... Dodgeball Source

westville with dad and dog

this is my dog and we were in westville park today

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Megaman Doom, Isnt this awsome

This is 8-Bit Megaman Deathmatch Doom, you should give this a try. I havent yet but thier is a demo. I am going to try it, looks pretty fun. I still think those brassmonki sneakers are cool.

Friday, July 9, 2010

Gaming Wildstorm Books: Here they Are so Far

i collect these books and i havent read all of them, when I feel right and not so depressed in a rare mood I will get them read

Whats New For Today

I figure that I'd update since its been awhile, im getting into more wildstorm books than ever. they are good quality books, I cant remember if I read any. since I dont have a good memory from reading, sometimes I watch movies, but I guess its all the same, I ordered a fallout 3 shirt Im waiting for and also Im waiting for a xfps xcm storm for pc, I hope its good, this is what it looks like, im also saving up for a upgrade on my pc so I can play APB